Just a few comments about our high tech world the fast pace high tech internet stuff... (all of this will be outdated and old in 6 months anyway) but here goes my simple version.
To Make Sure You Get Everything You Request and BUY online... especially if it is to be delivered in an email...
Here is an example of what I am talking about...
How many times have you forgotten your password
on a website and had to click on "forgot my password" t
o have it emailed to you right now...
only to wait... and wait... and watch your email...
and wait... and watch your email... and nothing...
so you go back and repeat the process...
and wait.... and watch your email.....
yup, I have been there and done that...
and then to really ruffle your feathers... sometime later
you find it in your junk folder or spam folder...
doesn't this just burn your butt?
Long story short, all new GOOD technology has
pain in the butt bad stuff with it too...
Your email hosting companies (and please don't try
to correct me if i am using the wrong tech words here
I am just trying to help investors understand how
it affects us) ... your email hosting company
is trying to do a "good" by fishing out all of those
spam viagra emails and all of the bad emaills.
Well guess what?
Their heart my be in the right place
to do you some good, but not only did all of the viagra
emails get dumped (which is a huge blessing), but they
also dumped some of your good emails...
What is a poor investor to do?
For starters, you might have seen those squiggly words
and numbers to enter when doing something online?
this is just one example of a
step to "verify" you are a real person and
are really requesting this info or stuff... it is the
companies way to try to fight off the bad things.
You might have also received an email asking you
to "Verify" your email address...
Long gone are the days of just compiling a huge list
of emails and blasting away... *(those viagra emails, remember)
There are many companies
who provide Email screening
services for big companies like Ma Bell, PaPa Johns pizza,
(their corporate offices) , Blue Cross, Humana, Ford, Gm,
toyota,... see where this is going...
Now internet companies like AOL, Yahoo, Google, MSN,
Earthlink and more hire or create somethihng to Pre-screen
all of your emails to keep those spammers out.
Remember, the internet is a world wide thing. The laws
of the good old USA don't mean squat to somebody sitting
in an internet cafe in Lagos, Nigeria.
Ok, back to the story here..
At one point just a few months
ago, I could not email my office staff
with our earthlink email
accounts because of their phishing filters put in place.
Now You Ask, OK, Mike, what now...
Make sure you "verify" your email address
with those folks and companies
you wish to do business with or
wish to correspond with.
You can also probably adjust your email settings
to allow all email from certain companies or people...
kind of just like the Pop Up craze
we experienced a few years ago...
I get several emails every day
where investors have requested or
invested in some kind of additional
or advanced investor training
and they get aggravated because it is never emailed to them...
99% of the time, they are not getting it because they have
not "verified" their email address...
This is very important to make sure you get the good things you
want from our high tech world.
I am not a propeller head (computer expert)
and never will be.
This is hopefully some good solid info to help you if you are
having trouble in this arena...
And guess what?
All of this will be just like an 8 Track Tape
in just a few months! hah, Back to business and fun
Keep On Cranking It 24-7!
Mike Butler
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