Sunday, March 2, 2008

Discover New and Hidden Online Investor Tools for Easier and Bigger Profits

Monday, March 3, 2008

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

Join Me Monday, March 3 at 9pm et


Join me and my good friend and special high tech Expert, Colin Andrews Egbert for 60 Profit Powered minutes of real investor training on literally dozens of FREE online tools to help YOU immediately achieve more efficient time savng money making tips and short cuts for today's super successful real estate investor!

Heads Up!

Make sure you bring your good ears
so you can "LISTEN FAST" to Colin's HIGH ENERGY Fast Paced intense training.

This Guy has only ONE GEAR... OVERDRIVE to the MAX!

Profit to the Max and he has the track record to prove it in his hometown in Columbus.
Colin is CEO and Co-Founder of a great online resource for investors much similar to MySpace, FaceBook and all of those things we just hear about on TV and the news!

Colin Andrews Egbert has been featured at local universities as a marketing and investor expert and brings a fresh new youthful and unique techniques for investing in real estate today.

From buying, wholesaling, and even retailing,
this guy is on top of the online tools to GET RE$ULT$$$$.

Make sure you join me and Colin Andrews Egbert Monday night for this special 60 minute training session.

Round up several ink pens and pencils and plenty of paper because you will be jotting down all kinds of notes, places and resources you never heard of before listening to Colin Andrews Egbert!

60 minute LIVE Teleseminar
AND VideoWebCast
BOTH At The Same Time!
LISTEN on your phone!
WATCH on your computer (with internet access)

You MUST Be Registered to access any replay
(but only if it is recorded successfully)

STOP wasting YOUR Time, Energy, Effort and Money
on investing the old fashioned way.
Invest 60 minutes Monday night to brand new creative
and proven tips to make your life easier and FUNNER!!


Reserve Your Slot Now at:

Keep On Cranking It!
Have a Great and Succe$$ful Day!

Mike Butler

P.S. Mike, invest 60 minutes Monday night with Colin Andrews Egbert and you will be flabbergasted at all of the already in place, ready to go right now, online tools to make your investing life a lot more simpler.

(Plus, Colin will be doing a special after dinner session at the Make Your 1st Million 4 Day LIVE investor training in my hometown, Louisville, Ky on March 14.

WealthBuilding 24-7 4012 Dupont Circle #203 Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 526-0347

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